Intelligent Design 101

When I opened up the package to find this book inside, I wondered if the release of this book and the documentary Expelled at roughly the same was a coincidence or not. Having asked the press agent at Kregel this question, I was assured that it was coincidence, and not intentional. Still, a very interesting coincidence. If people would like a one-stop resource to understand what the ID movement is all about, this is the book. The major players are here (including Michael Behe and Phillip Johnson, and a forward by William Dembski), and the major issues are addressed. Phillip Johnson (author of Darwin on Trial) argues that the main issue here is whether God had a role in the origin of the universe (pp. 28-29), in his article entitled “Bringing Balance to a Fiery Debate.”

J.P. Moreland, in his article entitled “Intelligent Design and the Nature of Science,” Moreland argues that anti-intelligent design arguments suffer from extremely bad philosophy (pg. 43). Darwinists nowadays cannot tell a philosophical claim without basis in observable fact from scientifically viable theses. In order to defend ID, therefore, ID proponents must be better philosophers than their opponents (quite aside from the obvious need for more scientific study).

Casey Luskin finds evidence of intelligent design in nature, in his article entitled “Finding Intelligent Design in Nature.” This is probably the most technical of the articles, and of the most interest to scientists looking for such evidence.

Michael Behe gives a summary of his arguments put forth in his book, Darwin’s Black Box, in his article of the same name.

Jay Richards asks the question “Why Are We Here?” which answers many philosophical questions concerning the implications of ID versus a naturalistic interpretation. Eddie Colanter furthers this line of reasoning, with special attention to bioethics. Wayne House burrows into the legal ramifications of the Scopes Trial, among other cases, and Luskin and Logan Gage round out the book with a detailed response to Francis Collins’s arguments on the common ancestry of apes and humans.